All tagged advent

Advent Day 23 :: A Forgiving God

So many times we see God leading and showing us great examples to follow in the Bible, but with Jonah we are guided by weakness. In Jonah’s weakness and constant struggle with God we see God’s forgiveness. We see God’s mercy. We see God’s grace. We see God.

Advent Day 21 :: Eternal Wisdom

As we celebrate and reflect on the coming of Christ, how will you respond to the call of Wisdom? Will you reject it and go about living life as you please which ultimately leads to destruction (Proverbs 14:12)? Or will you yield to wisdom which leads to life (Proverbs 9:11) - eternal life through the Son Jesus Christ?

Advent Day 20 :: Fruit of the Spirit

It is because of His birth that Jesus was able to come as a human, die on the cross for our sins, rise from the grave in victory over sin, and ascend to the right hand of the Father. He has made it possible for all who trust in Him to be forgiven of their sins and become indwelt by His Spirit. It is because of this that we have a change of heart and bear the fruit that only comes from a relationship with the Father.

Advent Day 17 :: Faithful Mediator

Christ is working in everything - from the biggest of issues to smallest of troubles. He has willingly become our deliverer and mediator in all our human affairs. There is nothing that our God cannot do and there is no situation in which Christ isn’t willing to step into in order to bring us out on the other side.

Advent Day 16 :: The Rebuilt Temple

Hope isn’t lost. Hope is not found in our situations we face or the failed relationships that plague us. Hope is not found in a political party or the state of our finances. Hope is not a place or a thing. Hope is a person, and His name is Jesus. The One we were created to worship. The One we were created to be in relationship with since the Garden of Eden.