

Hello, my name is José Luna.


Christ follower • to know Christ & make Him known • associate pastor at first church ministries • Philly born • coffee lover • foodie


  • drawing

  • photography

  • videography

  • drones

  • graphic design

  • guitar playing

  • cooking

Welcome to my little space in this vast space called the internet. It is here that I’ll document my love of food and my thoughts and findings as I study through the Bible.

Ever since I was little I always had an interest in food and cooking. Growing up my sister and I would help our parents in the kitchen. I am thankful for that! There’s nothing better than a homecooked meal. Over the years I’ve collected recipes and would love to share them with you all. I have to admit that I have yet to create my own dish, so when possible I will give credit where credit is due and link you all to the sources. I’m not a professional so don’t expect anything fancy. There’s something to be said about a nice warm meal shared among family and friends.

I also enjoy studying. Granted, not as much as I would like to, but I enjoy a good book, bible study, and devotionals. I aspire to write a book one day, but for now I figured this would be a good place to share my thoughts and findings. Don’t look for anything tweetable or some deep theological revelation - after all I’m no Paul, Peter, Billy Graham, or anyone else along those lines. I am just me trying to learn and understand all that my Lord and Savior - Jesus - has for me in the Scriptures.

Eventually, I will have a testimony video put together. I’ve always been the one behind the camera so it’s a little intimidating and daunting to be in front of one. But, I know and understand the importance and significance of sharing our story and how Christ has changed our lives. It helps us connect to others and there’s no better way to share God’s love than to tell of how His love has changed us. Once that video is done, I will be sure to share it with you all.

That’s den & kitchen. Study notes and recipes. Maybe I’ll start merch but I’m not really here for that.

Hope you have a nice stay!