Advent Day 16 :: The Rebuilt Temple

Hope isn’t lost. Hope is not found in our situations we face or the failed relationships that plague us. Hope is not found in a political party or the state of our finances. Hope is not a place or a thing. Hope is a person, and His name is Jesus. The One we were created to worship. The One we were created to be in relationship with since the Garden of Eden.

Advent Day 15 :: King of Kings

Jesus sits on His throne over all. His subjects must bow to Him - those in His Kingdom and those opposed to His Kingdom. As those who have claimed Christ as Savior, as our Lord and King, we have been commissioned to preach the gospel of His Kingdom (Matthew 24:14) not our own. We are to live as though we are a part of His Kingdom, not of our own. We are to bring to light the reality of Christ’s reign so that others may come and willingly bow the knee to Jesus who is sovereign over all. That our hope and salvation may become the hope and salvation for others.

Advent Day 13 :: Our Faithful Friend

We are left with an example as to how to be a friend to others. In 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, Paul tells us that we receive comfort from our compassionate Father. It’s not just to bottle up and keep to ourselves but to share with others and comfort others during their times of suffering and trouble.

Advent Day 9 :: He Fights For Us

As we eagerly await and celebrate the coming of the Savior of the world - Jesus Christ - we are not to assume that we are automatically given aid and rescued. It is only when we profess our faith and trust in Him that we are given the gift of salvation by the grace of God.