All in Scripture Study

Advent Day 6 :: The Final Scapegoat

Christ came to become the final scapegoat. He lived a perfect life, without sin. A lamb without blemish. Why? Because we are a sinful people. Since the fall in the garden we have been born into sin, bent on doing things our way. Our hearts desire shifted from that of what God desires to our own desires. But God in love was merciful and made a way.

Advent Day 4 :: Strike the Rock

Christ is the source of living water. God was teaching the nation of Israel to depend on Him. God was giving yet another look at the Messiah to come. Paul tells us "Now these things happened to them as an example; and they were written down for our instruction." Through his example with the nation of Israel we are to learn the same, to depend on Christ as our source of living water. Our coming King is dependable and a reliable source of soul refreshing water.

Advent Day 3 :: Unlikely Cure

An unlikely cure. The long awaited Messiah came as God’s only Son. He was right under the noses of the people around Him and they missed it. As He was placed on the cross at Calvary to die, He would rise again the third day to defeat death and cure us from the poison of sin.

Advent Day 1 :: Wait

We’ve entered into the advent season. It’s become an all too familiar season for many of us. The idea of waiting, slowing down, and being patient has all too easily been ruined. The joy of the advent season has been stifled. Tainted. We’ve boxed it up with everything else we have wrapped up during the holiday.

Urgency of the Gospel

Though we may sit comfortably in the life we have, there are others who still need to hear the message of hope, the new decree that was given that can save the world from the sin in it and renew it by reconciling it back to its Creator.